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The Partners for Advancing Health Equity (P4HE) Resource Library is a virtual portal containing action-oriented health equity research, practice, and policies. The library aims to increase equity in health by offering free access to field-tested, evidence-informed and evidence-based programs strategies and high-quality research.
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- Healthy Community Design was a concept that could break down the barriers between communities and their necessities by establishing convenience to schools, healthcare facilities, and other benefits that should be accessible (CDC, 2014). This was implemented by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). While this initiative is no longer funded, the information provided can still serve…May 2022Environment/Context, Healthy Housing
- We investigate the association neighborhood cohesion, as source of social support, has with psychological distress among white, Black, and Latinx lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) individuals, compared to heterosexual individuals in the United States.Neighborhood cohesion has differing impact on psychological distress outcomes by racial/ethnic-sexual orientation groups, but in general provides a…May 2022Mental/Behavioral Health, Social/Structural Determinants
- The Kresge Foundation's Health Program focuses on building equity-centered health systems to promote well-being for all. In this 30-minute webinar, the team outlines their strategy and grantmaking approach, highlighting three investment areas: Community-Driven Solutions, Community Health Ecosystems, and Community Investment for Health Equity.May 2022Social/Structural Determinants
- In response to our blog post describing the levels at which we can work to advance health equity, our colleagues, partners, and friends asked us, how does this framework translate into action? That is, what does implementing activities and progress at these levels look like in practice? Although many conceptual models depict where and how to approach work in pursuit of health equity, we offer one…May 2022Health Reform, Social Environment, Systemic Determinants
- Climate change poses current and increasing threats to human health. As the climate continues to warm, the risks to human health will grow, exacerbating existing health threats and creating new public health challenges. HHS is committed to taking actions across the whole department to protect the health and wellbeing of all people, especially those most vulnerable.Many disadvantaged communities…May 2022Environmental/Community Health
- Today’s health systems understand the importance of creating a world in which everyone thrives, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, disability, or age. To create a healthier society that allows all people to live to their fullest potential, health systems should consider addressing the root causes of health disparities in every community. By establishing community-based…May 2022Social/Structural Determinants
- Childhood adversity and its structural causes drive lifelong and intergenerational inequities in health and well-being. Health care systems increasingly understand the influence of childhood adversity on health outcomes but cannot treat these deep and complex issues alone. Cross-sector partnerships, which integrate health care, food support, legal, housing, and financial services among others,…May 2022Policy and Practice, Social/Structural Determinants
- For decades, these dysfunctional data-gathering practices have neglected the deep-seated health disparities and racial injustices driving disproportionate chronic illness and disease among marginalized communities. And when the pandemic struck, inconsistent and flawed nationwide data undercut efforts to collect timely, actionable information to improve access to vaccines, testing, and life-saving…April 2022Community-rooted/Participatory Research, Environment/Context
- This project is funded under the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s program, Community Research for Health Equity (CRHE), a community-led research program that seeks to elevate community voices and make the priorities of communities the primary goal of local health system transformation efforts. The goal of this community-based participatory action research study is to expose racist, ableist, and…April 2022Systemic Determinants, Racism
- Within the discipline of public health, it is commonly understood that health outcomes are influenced by more than genetics and behavior. Many health problems can be firmly linked to a political determinant that created and is perpetuating health inequities in the United States. The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated these inequities, causing disproportionate outcomes, particularly for vulnerable…April 2022Policy and Practice, Aging and Life Course
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