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The Partners for Advancing Health Equity (P4HE) Resource Library is a virtual portal containing action-oriented health equity research, practice, and policies. The library aims to increase equity in health by offering free access to field-tested, evidence-informed and evidence-based programs strategies and high-quality research.
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- This article outlines the profound impact that housing conditions have on health and well-being, emphasizing the need for a comprehensive approach to housing that integrates health equity considerations.May 2019Healthy Housing
- According the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), food insecurity “is defined as a household-level economic and social condition of limited or uncertain access to adequate food”.1 Recent data indicate that approximately 12.3% or 15.6 million households in the United States (U.S.) were food insecure at least some time during the last year.1 The adverse social, physical, and…April 2019Systemic Determinants, Racism
- The weathering hypothesis states that chronic exposure to social and economic disadvantage leads to accelerated decline in physical health outcomes and could partially explain racial disparities in a wide array of health conditions. This systematic review summarizes the literature empirically testing the weathering hypothesis and assesses the quality of the evidence regarding weathering as a…March 2019Social Environment
- In 2015, the National Institutes on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD) engaged in a two-year science visioning process for health disparities and convened a series of workshops aimed at identifying promising research directions. A central theme that resonated throughout these workshops was the importance of social determinants of health and their relationship to health disparities.…January 2019Social/Structural Determinants
- Building Public Health Capacity to Advance Equity is an environmental scan funded by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation (WKKF) to explore governmental public health’s role in advancing health equity with racial equity as a major priority and community engagement as a central strategy. The project team consisted of ten partner organizations collaborating to examine the federal landscape and the capacity…January 2019Policy and Practice
- Statistics on overall access to and use of various types of paid family and medical leave for the U.S. workforce are widely available. However, much less is known about disparities in paid-leave access and use by race and ethnicity. This article examines this question, using data from four nationally representative surveys—the American Time Use Survey Leave Module, the Annual Social and Economic…January 2019Paid Family Leave
- Some of the nation’s greatest public health successes would not have been possible without policy change. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s list of “Ten Great Public Health Achievements”—including motor vehicle safety, tobacco control, and maternal and infant health—all involved policy change.1 Because of these public health achievements, the average life expectancy at birth for…November 2018Policy and Practice
- In November 2018, Health-Tech Consultants Inc. issued a report outlining the findings of a statewide pilot initiated by Florida Housing Finance Corporation. The study assessed the efficacy of providing Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) – affordable housing linked with individualized support services – to “high utilizers” of crisis services. Following is a summary and the key findings of the…November 2018Housing Discrimination, Healthy Housing
- The complexities of social identity and genetic ancestry have led to confusion and consternation related to the use and interpretation of race, ethnicity, and ancestry data in biomedical research. These discussions and overt debates have intensified with advances in genomics and in knowledge about how social factors interact with biology. As more information about genomic diversity becomes…October 2018Social/Structural Determinants
- The purpose of this fact sheet is to provide guidance to hiring managers seeking to diversify their sustainability staff by applying an equity lens. Recent and historical studies have shown that sustainability and environmental fields lag in their ability to recruit, hire, and retain employees of color. This can be due to a variety of systemic factors including access to social and professional…October 2018Isms and Phobias
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