Taking action on the social determinants of health in clinical practice: A framework for health professionals

Individual Author(s) / Organizational Author
Andermann, Anne
PubMed Central
December 2016
Canadian Medical Association Journal
Abstract / Description

There is strong evidence from around the globe that people who are poor and less educated have more health problems and die earlier than those who are richer and more educated, and these disparities exist even in wealthy countries like Canada. To make an impact on improving health equity and providing more patient-centred care, it is necessary to better understand and address the underlying causes of poor health. Yet physicians often feel helpless and frustrated when faced with the complex and intertwined health and social challenges of their patients. Many avoid asking about social issues, preferring to focus on medical treatment and lifestyle counseling.

It is increasingly recognized that to improve population health, health equity needs to become a priority in the health sector, and measures to reduce disparities must be integrated into health programs and services. Training physicians, nurses and other allied health workers to address the social determinants of health is considered one of the key principles for promoting more equitable health outcomes for patients, families and communities. Indeed, health professional schools are socially accountable to contribute to meeting the needs of the local community. However, what exactly should health workers do to make a positive impact? In this review, we identify the concrete actions that clinicians can use to help address the social determinants of health as part of their routine clinical practice. (author introduction) #P4HEwebinarFebruary2024

Artifact Type
Reference Type
Journal Article
P4HE Authored
Topic Area
Policy and Practice » Advocacy
Social/Structural Determinants