Racial/ethnic diversity in academic public health: 20-Year update

Individual Author(s) / Organizational Author
Goodman, Melody
Plepys, Christine M.
Bather, Jemar R.
Kelliher, Rita M.
Healton, Cheryl G.
Sage Journals
November 2019
Public Health Reports
Abstract / Description

Today’s public health challenges are complex, with many biological, environmental, and social contributors. One of the most intractable public health issues is the racial/ethnic disparity in health outcomes. To address racial/ethnic disparities in health outcomes, it is important to have a racially and ethnically diverse workforce that is capable of addressing such public health issues. Given its social justice focus, the public heath discipline can be an attractive career path, particularly for those often underrepresented in the sciences and health professions (e.g., persons from racial/ethnic minority groups, first-generation students). For example, the percentage of women faculty in public health increased from 34% in 1990 to 49% in 2017. (author introduction)

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Geographic Focus
Priority Population