Proposing an innovative bond to increase investments in social drivers of health interventions in medicaid managed care

Individual Author(s) / Organizational Author
Thakor, Richard
Karaca-Mandic, Pinar
Nikpay, Sayeh
Gibbons, Susanna
Korrane, Rahul
Haynes II, David
March 2023
Health Affairs Journal
Abstract / Description

Interventions to address social drivers of health (SDH), such as food insecurity, transportation, and housing, can reduce future health care costs but require up-front investment. Although Medicaid managed care organizations have incentives to reduce costs, volatile enrollment patterns and coverage changes may prevent them from realizing the full benefits of their SDH investments. This phenomenon results in the “wrong-pocket problem,” in which managed care organizations underinvest in SDH interventions because they cannot capture the full benefit. We propose a financial innovation, an SDH bond, to increase investments in SDH interventions. Issued by multiple managed care organizations in a Medicaid coverage region, the bond would raise immediate funds for SDH interventions that are coordinated across the organizations and delivered to all enrollees of the region. As the benefits of SDH interventions accrue and cost savings are realized, the amount managed care organizations must pay back to bond holders adjusts according to enrollment, addressing the wrong-pocket problem. (author abstract) 

Artifact Type
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P4HE Authored