Philanthropy and disparities: Progress, challenges, and unfinished business

Individual Author(s) / Organizational Author
Mitchell, Faith
Sessions, Kathryn
Health Affairs
October 2011
Abstract / Description

Philanthropy has invested millions of dollars to reduce disparities in health care and improve minority health. Grants to strengthen providers’ cultural competence, diversify health professions, and collect data have improved understanding of and spurred action on disparities. The persistence of disparities in spite of these advances has shifted philanthropic attention toward strategies to change social, economic, and environmental conditions. We argue that these evolving perspectives, along with earlier groundwork, present new opportunities for funders, especially in combination with progress toward universal health coverage. This article looks at how philanthropy has addressed health disparities over the past decade, with a focus on accomplishments, the work remaining to be done, and how funders can help advance the disparities agenda. (author abstract) #P4HEwebinarSeptember2024

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