P4HE workshop series: Research synthesis for evidence-based health policy

Individual Author(s) / Organizational Author
Stojanovski, Kristefer
Corder, Amy
Wright, Laura
Partners for Advancing Health Equity
August 2023
Partners for Advancing Health Equity Workshop Series
Abstract / Description

The Partners for Advancing Health Equity (P4HE) Research Learning Collaborative hosted our second workshop series, which was focused on evidence synthesis to influence evidence-based policy and decision-making. Evidence synthesis is the scientific process of bringing together diverse literature across a range of sources and disciplines to inform debates and decisions on specific issues. Synthesized evidence is the main piece of scientific evidence that policymakers look to inform their decision-making given that it synthesizes the body of scientific literature.

To support Collaborative’s application of evidence synthesis for evidence-based decision-making, this 3-part workshop series created a space for attendees to:

Part 1: Learn about the science of evidence synthesis and helpful tools
Part 2: Discuss strategies to efficiently conduct and utilize evidence synthesis to inform policy
Part 3: Create evidence syntheses projects and plans in service of health equity


Document URL
Artifact Type
Reference Type
P4HE Authored
Topic Area
Policy and Practice