Individual Author(s) / Organizational Author
Anderson, Andrew
Partners for Advancing Health Equity
May 2023
P4HE Workshop Series
Abstract / Description
Health equity is finally on the national policy agenda. People from the public and private sector are working to promote equity in many corners of the US health system and beyond. But how do we know these efforts are increasing health equity? This three-part virtual workshop brought together collaborators to understand, dissect, and develop possible approaches to effectively measure our progress in achieving health equity. These one-hour sessions covered topics that can be relevant and applied to efforts across all sectors – academia, civil and community-based organizations, government, private entities, and philanthropy.
- Part 1: Discuss approaches to evaluating health equity achievement
- Part 2: Begin to apply approaches to evaluating health equity and determine the implications of choices
- Part 3: Develop a consensus approach for evaluating the achievement of health equity
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Artifact Type
Reference Type
Topic Area
Policy and Practice