New resources help public health and other care providers expand access to reproductive health care

Individual Author(s) / Organizational Author
The Kresge Foundation
The Kresge Foundation
April 2023
Abstract / Description

For more than a decade, the Network for Public Health Law has worked with key stakeholders across the United States to advance law and policy that supports safer, healthier, stronger and more equitable communities. The Network provides technical assistance, trainings, evidence-based tools and resources, and connects public health policymakers, officials, lawyers, and practitioners as well as community-led organizations, health care providers, advocates and other stakeholders in community health to find real and lasting solutions to some of our nation’s most critical public health issues.

Limited access to reproductive health care is among these critical issues. Many communities, in particular communities suffering from structural racism, have experienced challenges in accessing reproductive health care, contributing to health inequities.

The Network is currently assessing the state-by-state law and policy landscape, and providing information to assist public health and other care providers to understand ways to expand access to reproductive care. (author introduction)

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