How today’s unions help working people: Giving workers the power to improve their jobs and unrig the economy

Individual Author(s) / Organizational Author
Bivens, Josh
Engdahl, Lora
Gould, Elise
Kroeger, Teresa,
McNicholas, Celine
Mishel, Lawrence
Mokhiber, Zane
Shierholz, Heidi
von Wilpert, Marni
Zipperer, Ben
Wilson, Valerie
Economic Policy Institute
August 2017
Abstract / Description

By providing data on union coverage, activities, and impacts, this report helps explain how unions fit into the economy today; how they affect workers, communities, occupations and industries, and the country at large; and why collective bargaining is essential for a fair and prosperous economy and a vibrant democracy. It also describes how decades of anti-union campaigns and policies have made it much harder for working people to use their collective voice to sustain their standard of living. 

Artifact Type
Reference Type
Geographic Focus