Facts about center for sustainable systems diet study report and misinformation linking to Biden climate plan

Individual Author(s) / Organizational Author
Heller, Martin
Keoleian, Gregory
University of Michigan School for Environment and Sustainability
April 2021
Abstract / Description

We are responding to the misinformation being propagated about our study, “Implications of Future US Diet Scenarios on Greenhouse Gas Emissions,” published in 2020.1  In this study, we explore the effect on greenhouse gas emissions (GHGE) of a hypothetical reduction in the consumption of animal-based foods in the U.S. diet and a replacement with plant-based foods. We have learned of various media reports that have incorrectly linked our study findings to President Biden’s Climate Plan.  We wish to set the record straight about our study. Key points: 

1) To our knowledge, there is no connection between our study and Joe Biden's Climate plan. This appears to be an association made erroneously by the Daily Mail that has been picked up widely. 

2) Our study merely identifies opportunities for emissions reductions that are possible from changes in our diet. By no means does it suggest that these changes in diet would be required to meet climate goals. (author introduction) 

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P4HE Authored