Building health equity policy agendas a guide for Wisconsin

Individual Author(s) / Organizational Author
University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute
University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute
April 2020
Abstract / Description

Many stakeholders in Wisconsin have identified policy as a strategy to end inequitable health outcomes. The purpose of this resource is to provide an overview of opportunities and framing for policy interventions to address the social determinants of health and advance health equity in Wisconsin. It is designed to aid local health departments, coalitions, advocacy organizations, foundations, and other partners in advancing health equity policy agendas. 

This guide also serves as a bridge to policy and advocacy resources developed by allies around the country, such as the Blueprint for Changemakers: Achieving Health Equity through Law and Policy from ChangeLab Solutions; the Health Equity Policy Framework from the Massachusetts Public Health Association; or the Healthy Homes Policy Toolkit from the Multnomah County Environmental Health. 

This resource is not intended to provide legal advice regarding policy development and advocacy. Individuals and organizations should always seek legal counsel for such advice and, as laws are everchanging around this work, should regularly stay abreast of current rules and guidance around policy work. (author abstract) 

Artifact Type
Reference Type
P4HE Authored