Beyond the boxes, part 1: Guiding questions for thoughtfully measuring and interpreting race in population health research

Individual Author(s) / Organizational Author
Smith, Natalie
Martinez, Rae
Andrabi, Nafeesa
Goodwin, Andrea
Wilbur, Rachel
Zivich, Paul
IAPHS - Interdisciplinary Association for Population Health Science
October 2020
Abstract / Description

Recent events in American history are motivating people and institutions to reckon with the effects of persistent racism in American society. As recent posts on the IAPHS blog have highlighted, racism still exists in the U.S., and this has been made even clearer by the COVID-19 pandemic. There has been much discussion, particularly on academic Twitter, about how researchers can better use and interpret race and ethnicity in their own work. In that vein, we wanted to call attention to an upcoming episode of the IAPHS podcast. 

At the IAPHS 2020 Conference on October 1, 2020, at 9:00 a.m. (MDT), three members of our team (Rae Anne Martinez, Nafeesa Andrabi, and Andi Goodwin) will discuss our work on how population health researchers measure, code, and use race and ethnicity. Their discussion will be informed by our team’s ongoing research project that evaluates how race and ethnicity are incorporated into population health research articles. (author introduction) 

Artifact Type
Reference Type
Priority Population
P4HE Authored